<![CDATA[Fabien BOREL - Portfolio]]>https://www.fabykun.st/https://www.fabykun.st/favicon.pngFabien BOREL - Portfoliohttps://www.fabykun.st/Ghost 5.76Sun, 28 Jan 2024 23:40:00 GMT60<![CDATA[Windblown (Motion Twin)]]>Summer 2021, my dad buys me a book full of french interviews in the video game industry. One of them is featuring Thomas Vasseur, working at Motion Twin. He explains how he went in the video game industry not having a clue about the do and don't, he

https://www.fabykun.st/windblown-motion-twin/65b6dc7bbc4cff0508324241Sun, 28 Jan 2024 23:27:45 GMT

Summer 2021, my dad buys me a book full of french interviews in the video game industry. One of them is featuring Thomas Vasseur, working at Motion Twin. He explains how he went in the video game industry not having a clue about the do and don't, he learnt the software he would be using right before his interview and just aces it. This same guy interviews me for a job at the end of the year, I told my friends "yeay no way they're taking me lol" because it's fucking Motion Twin but I still go all in, work on a 16bit DeadCells the night before the second interview because why not. Fun fact this same DeadCells prorotype became Astebros and fun fact n°2 they did not care that much about it at all hahaha. Anyway ! Here we are. It's official I worked on a thing called Windblown.

Windblown | Announcement Trailer

Since it just got announced and featured a bit everywhere I can't make a long post about it but it's coming to an end, eventually, and I will update the post accordingly. I'm just updating the website so it's there basically :). Stay tuned.

<![CDATA[My ordinary life (gamejam)]]>My ordinary life is our entry for the ludum dare #49. I teamed with the super-talented-fast-working @snowpriestess again and @yuko who's a friend I met back in the good old RPG Maker forums days.

title screen

We quickly agreed to work on an absurd 3D city that we

https://www.fabykun.st/my-ordinary-life-gamejam/615f178de0f4db24f043ebe0Thu, 07 Oct 2021 16:12:26 GMT

My ordinary life is our entry for the ludum dare #49. I teamed with the super-talented-fast-working @snowpriestess again and @yuko who's a friend I met back in the good old RPG Maker forums days.

My ordinary life (gamejam)
title screen

We quickly agreed to work on an absurd 3D city that we would pack with everyday-tasks made stupid in terms of goals and mechanics, to fit the theme "Unstable".

My ordinary life (gamejam)
short gameplay sequence

Tina worked on the 3D static meshes, menu textures, camera settings and vehicles, Yuko worked on the characters and quest scripts and I implemented the gameplay, animations and tech.

I wanted to use procedural animations, while not great at humanoid forms it works like a charm for quick gameplay implementations and I had a feeling that pairing it with clayxels would make the flaws appear adorable in a goofy way. Once procedural animation implemented I quickly implemented grabs, jumps and movement and we could work on actual gameplay. The last thing to implement was linking events together into "quests" that Yuko would set in editor along dialogs.

Please go check our Ludum Dare webpage: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/49/my-ordinary-life

<![CDATA[Demons of Asteborg (Neofid Studios)]]>Demons of Asteborg is a platform-based 16bit game with some metroidvania elements inspired by MegaDrive/Genesis platformer hits like Ghouls’n Ghosts, Castlevania or Mickey Mania.

Demons of Asteborg Release Trailer

I joined the team early 2020 to work on the engine (2D collision, vram manipulation, hitboxes, animation engine,

https://www.fabykun.st/demons-of-asteborg/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d8Wed, 11 Aug 2021 16:59:36 GMT

Demons of Asteborg is a platform-based 16bit game with some metroidvania elements inspired by MegaDrive/Genesis platformer hits like Ghouls’n Ghosts, Castlevania or Mickey Mania.

Demons of Asteborg Release Trailer

I joined the team early 2020 to work on the engine (2D collision, vram manipulation, hitboxes, animation engine, state machines), AI and bosses. I later did the switch and the steam port which is available under a GPL3 license on my github: EasyBlastem.


Gameplay sequences

The final game rom exceeds 15MB which makes it the heaviest game ever made for the console. Due to its weight the game needs to load chunks of memory which was notably used on Street Fighter II in a process called bank switching. It was written in C using SGDK and is fully compatible with all SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive models.

<![CDATA[Windjammers 2 (Dotemu)]]>Windjammers 2 is the sequel to the original Windjammers 1994 fast-paced versus game featuring new mechanics that were thoughtfully crafted to make it fresh, highly addictive and competitive again.

Opening anime by @samkaat

I joined the team to think, playtest and iterate through new ideas to enhance the original Windjammers

https://www.fabykun.st/windjammers-2/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d5Wed, 11 Aug 2021 12:39:00 GMT

Windjammers 2 is the sequel to the original Windjammers 1994 fast-paced versus game featuring new mechanics that were thoughtfully crafted to make it fresh, highly addictive and competitive again.

Windjammers 2 (Dotemu)
Opening anime by @samkaat

I joined the team to think, playtest and iterate through new ideas to enhance the original Windjammers 1994 experience. The already established competitive player-base we had rekindled since the remaster was giving us major clues on how to approach new mechanics. We felt that playstyle displayed by the WJ2 community at a higher level of play were rather defensive and that it was lacking a variety of playstyle that can be found on fighting games. Along with Jordi Asensio I designed and programmed the jump, slapshop, dropshot and X-moves mechanics as well as the AI, game-design tools and fmod implementations.

Documentary shot and produced by Alex Pilot for Dotemu

Being somewhat a competitive player myself I loved the back and forth tuning we had in balancing moves and introducing mechanics, the dialog we had with the windjammers community and the passion involved. It's hard to keep a good balance when some players are rather conservative and others thriving for new stuff but we know we made good calls when they share warm emotions after a close game!

<![CDATA[Homecooked (gamejam)]]>Homecooked is a game about taking care of a depressed friend, talking and cooking for them. It's a narrative game we made in a couple of hours for the 2019 edition of the Global Gamejam.

Dialog phase

I mainly worked on narrative tools, allowing the game to have

https://www.fabykun.st/homecooked-gamejam/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d6Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:09:00 GMT

Homecooked is a game about taking care of a depressed friend, talking and cooking for them. It's a narrative game we made in a couple of hours for the 2019 edition of the Global Gamejam.

Homecooked (gamejam)
Dialog phase

I mainly worked on narrative tools, allowing the game to have multiple dialog branches and endings and kickstarted the Unity project to get a clear workflow for asset and script development (scriptable objects, serializable data etc...). Everything was written from scratch and is accessible on my GitHub.

<![CDATA[Mechanicave (end of study project)]]>Mechanicave is a coop FPS procedural rogue-like with rpg elements, and could be played online. Way too big of a scope but we were young and free... Inspired by Metroid Prime you play as a robot trapped in an underworld maze, utilizing your equipment and the power of friendship to

https://www.fabykun.st/mechanicave/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d7Tue, 09 Jul 2019 20:17:00 GMT

Mechanicave is a coop FPS procedural rogue-like with rpg elements, and could be played online. Way too big of a scope but we were young and free... Inspired by Metroid Prime you play as a robot trapped in an underworld maze, utilizing your equipment and the power of friendship to find your way out.

Mechanicave (end of study project)
we had several types of room (traps, arena, platforming, boss...) and all levels were a formula of these types of rooms set in a specified biome (water, lava or organic)

We were a team of 7 students, I was in charge of the development and did the core gameplay as well as the procedural generation, enemy AI, computer graphics (shaders and popcornFX particles), sound management and networking (proton).

Mechanicave (end of study project)
coop play is a very important aspect of the game, here only the player on the top could see the hidden platform

The game got nominated to represent our school Epitech, at the Paris Games Week 2017. Full walkthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/GKIMrK_d8JM

<![CDATA[Seeking Light (gamejam)]]>As a plant you had an easy life back when Grandma was taking care of you but since she died recently you have to search for light and get water on your own... Also the sun is running away for some reason so you'll need to catch up

https://www.fabykun.st/seeking-light/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d3Thu, 10 Aug 2017 13:51:00 GMT

As a plant you had an easy life back when Grandma was taking care of you but since she died recently you have to search for light and get water on your own... Also the sun is running away for some reason so you'll need to catch up with him or else you will die. That's the whole plot of Seeking Light, a game made by @frosk404 (ld) @snowpriestess (art) and myself (prog) for the ludum dare #39 "Running out of Power" in 3days.

Seeking Light (gamejam)
Gameplay gif

Most of my work was related to the plant-physics. I heavily used HingeJoints and the rest was editor scripting and planty (did you get it?) of iterations. Nothing too complicated to really talk about and the code must be dirty, it’s a gamejam after all ! The sourcecode is on my github (https://github.com/twYnn/SeekingLight).

See our Ludum Dare webpage: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/39/seeking-light

<![CDATA[Halt of Link (gamejam)]]>During school and following my first gamejam ever with Simon (same guy that made Demons of Asteborg), which had a Zelda theme, I wanted to push the core mechanics and make my own Ocarina of Time style game. I remember being motivated by all the UnrealEngine "good" looking

https://www.fabykun.st/halt-of-link-gamejam/6150e246457eba45dc6c35d4Wed, 09 Nov 2016 14:23:00 GMT

During school and following my first gamejam ever with Simon (same guy that made Demons of Asteborg), which had a Zelda theme, I wanted to push the core mechanics and make my own Ocarina of Time style game. I remember being motivated by all the UnrealEngine "good" looking Zelda demo focusing on looks rather than gameplay.

Halt of Link (gamejam)
getting the classic Zelda 3D platforming to work was a priority

I still consider it to be one of the most important project in my career as it taught me physics, collisions, camera scripting, generating meshes, AI, lighting, texturing, animation, shaders and so on… It also taught me that prototyping can be quick but having something that looks and feels professional was something else that could take twice the time if not more.

Halt of Link (gamejam)
Having a day/night cycle with falling stars, wind trails and stylized water style was very fun to do :D

I made some “DevLogs” on YouTube regarding the development of it, codename “Halt of Link”. The last one is dated January 2016, I did not add anything since, you can watch it on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPb01cfSAk0
